FaithLeaps: The Christian Mom’s Guide to Passion, Purpose, and Profits

This Book is for You If . . .

You’ve Ever Considered Taking . . . A Leap of Faith
You wish to FIND or FOLLOW your Passion
You wonder . . . Why Not Just Get a Job?
You Just Want to Be Heard
You Know You Have What It Takes
You Have Considered Choosing to Follow Your Passion and Purpose . . . Even if it Scares You to Death
You Want to Shine
You Just Want to Share a Message that You Feel Strongly About
Deep Down Inside, You Just Want to DO IT!
You Want to Feel Connection With Other Moms Who Are Like-Minded
You Wonder . . . How Will I Balance Everything?
You Are Concerned about the Money

What You Will Gain by Reading This Book . . .

  • Courage to help you take your Faith Leap
  • An understanding of how to pinpoint your passion
  • The knowledge of how to build a platform
  • Know how to shine
  • Realize you have what it takes
  • Discover where you can find like-minded moms
  • Tips for finding balance

Grab Your Free Chapter


What Readers Are Saying . . .

What I love most about this book is that Alyssa doesn’t compartmentalize the spiritual self, mom self, business owner, etc. As women, wives, moms, entrepreneurs, and daughters of God, all of who we are as Christians is addressed in the book as being woven together. I highly recommend FaithLeaps for any Christian woman wanting to trust God with their dream of a home business. – Lisa Walters

Alyssa Avant takes you by the hand and leads you step by step on how to take what God has placed in your heart, your passion, and using it to make profit. The book is written as if she is sitting across from you over a cup of coffee and showing you how to do what she has done. Each chapter guides you through the process, including prayer, on building a profitable business using the talents God has given you. -Christie Jarvis

Alyssa does such an awesome job with providing tools and formulas that will equip, not only the stay-at-home mom entrepreneurs, but also the newly married Christian wife, like myself. Reading this book, even before I have children; gives me an idea on what to expect and what to plan ahead for. There are so many women who desire to stay home with their children and make a living from home. Many of them may be discouraged or hesitant about going forth, fearing how people around them may respond or react to their decision. Alyssa knows all about this—in fact, she covered it in her book when she wrote about the naysayers! – Latoya Heard

In “Faith Leaps”, Alyssa helps you discover your passions and your gifting, your reasons for working at home as opposed to a traditional job in the workplace. She shows you the benefits of being at home and how to discover how your purpose and passion can help you support your family. “Faith Leaps” will help you see the benefits and disadvantages of a work-at-home lifestyle and guide you to a wise decision. -Jill P. Jones

Faith Leaps is short, simple, and to the point. Her personal style and practical ideas fit my ability to read a few pages at a time and take a few notes in between the business of our household. There have been a few things about blogging I haven’t been able to wrap my head around, like niches and platforms. So many things just don’t seem real on the internet. Alyssa has made it more real for me and explained some things in a way that I’m excited to be able to put into effect now. She is also very encouraging. Between well placed Scripture and tidbits of wisdom from some of her mentors and peers, I feel like I’m ready to take that Faith Leap with confidence. I encourage every woman with a blog to read this book. -D. Fogleman

Once I started reading I couldn’t stop. The author shares her heart and personal experiences, but the practical exercises and the meat and potatoes made it so much more than a warm fuzzy read. This book should be read by any woman who has a desire to work from home, but isn’t sure how to harness her giftedness, and create a profit. -Jacqui Hodges

Alyssa’s—and God’s — timing was perfect! FaithLeaps brought so many things into focus for me. I’m waking up to passions that I had long stuffed down. I’ve been putting them aside for years, saying “that’s silly,” “that’s a waste of time,” or “I’m too busy.” To rediscover that not only has God created me with these passions but that I may also use them for his glory, benefit, and my profit? I am blown away when I consider the possibilities. Alyssa is especially good at taking a biblical concept and helping you apply it to your own life’s circumstances. The book is well-written and engaging, with stories and calls to action woven appropriately throughout. -Mary Bernard

“Faith Leaps” gives so much useful information that you will have difficulty putting it down! Alyssa includes stories from her own life that many of us Christian Moms have likely experienced as well. She gives practical advice that you can put into action immediately. -Hillary Gould