Best Small Group Bible Studies

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Small group bible study is a great way to learn God’s word and also fellowship with other believers.  I have enjoyed participating in small group Bible studies for many years. Both as a young person and also as an adult.  There are tons of Bible Studies out there, but today I thought I’d share with you some of my favorites.

These are all some of the best small group Bible studies I have had the privilege of participating in over the many years I have been doing Bible studies. Some of these are for young people while others make great studies for adults as well.

Best Small Group Bible Studies 

The Disciple’s Cross (Masterlife 1)– I studied this back in high school and I still remember how much of an impact it had on me.  I recommend this highly for anyone from a new Christian to a mature Christian.

Experiencing God: How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God – This is another one that I studied in my youth days.  At that time I actually studied the youth version, but I have done it multiple times because I led the same study for my youth group when I served in ministry.

Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman –  I studied this just a few years ago with a group of ladies at church.  Esther has been one of my favorite books of the Bible for years and this study confirmed this even more for me.  This is truly an inspiring study.

The Purpose Driven Life  – If you are ever searching for purpose in life this is the #1 book I recommend reading.  It is one that you will want to read again and again.

Disciple’s Prayer Life: Walking in Fellowship with God (Member Book) – This one is much like the Disciple’s Cross.  It leaves a lasting impact.  You will never think of prayer the same again.

Frazzled Female: Finding Peace in the Midst of Daily Life (Member Book) –  I did this study with a group of friends when I was in the trenches of the toddler and baby days as a mom.  It was definitely the perfect match for what I was experiencing in life.

Whether you choose to do a study such as one of these book studies or if you choose to just study God’s word alone I believe you will benefit from using a prayer journal.  A prayer journal is a complimentary tool for Bible study and can be a great resource to record your thoughts and what you are learning along the way as you study.

In addition using a prayer journal can improve your prayer life as well. It allows you to focus on what you are praying about and also realize when God has answered your prayers by being able to look back on your prayers from the past.



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