How Prayer Journaling is Like a Wonderful Stone of Remembrance

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Today I would like to introduce you to prayer journaler, Ally King. Ally shares with us how she thinks prayer journaling is like a wonderful stone of remembrance that we learn about in Scripture. You can find one of the verses about this stone of remembrance in Joshua 4:9, which says, “And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood: and they are there unto this day.”

There are others found throughout Scripture in other places such as 1 Peter 2:4-5 and in Genesis 28.

how prayer journaling is

Prayer Journaling with Ally

Ally blogs at The Modern Mary. She loves to read, write, pray, study the Bible, doodle, and watch TV—sometimes all at the same time! She has a passion for helping and encouraging other women to find their identity in Christ through focused prayer and prayer journaling. Ally is on a journey to be more like Mary and less like Martha—to keep life simple! She stays busy by leading Bible study, blogging, and driving her 3 young sons to baseball practice. Ally has been married to her husband, Ryan, for 14 years and they currently reside in Central Indiana.

When did you begin using a prayer journal?

I began using a prayer journal before I even knew what it was called. As a teenager, before I came to know the Lord, I would spend all of my free time writing in my journal–pouring my thoughts, feelings, and worries onto the pages. I received healing and resolution that can only be attributed to the Lord. I fully believe that is how Christ came to meet me right where I was at the time.

How long have you been prayer journaling?

Close to 20 years–oh my, that makes me feel OLD!

What is your favorite thing about prayer journaling?

My favorite thing about keeping a prayer journal is how I now have a written record of God’s miracles and mercies in my life. In the book of Joshua, the Israelites were instructed to take stones and build a monument in the place where God performed a miracle–as a memorial to God’s faithfulness. Every time the people saw the stones, they would be reminded of the glory and goodness of God. This is how I view my prayer journal–like a stone of remembrance.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to begin using a prayer journal but doesn’t know where to start?

Keep it simple!! With all of the adorable printables and journals out there, it is tempting to over-complicate the process of prayer journaling. But I’m telling you this--just write. My favorite verse about prayer journaling is Psalm 102:18 that says, “Let this be recorded for future generations so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord.” Pour your heart out and allow the Lord to use your words for His glory.

AMEN and AMEN. I love love love how Ally calls her prayer journal a stone of remembrance.  This is such an accurate description of what our prayer journals can become for us.  I literally have stacks of them in my home. I am so thankful for my stones of remembrance in written form and I know that if you too start the practice of prayer journaling that you will be as well.  So why not get started today?



1 thought on “How Prayer Journaling is Like a Wonderful Stone of Remembrance”

  1. Pingback: Prayer Journaling is Pouring Your Heart Out to God - Alyssa Avant, Christian Author

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