1 Thing to Never Allow to Rule Your Marriage

Love … a little four-letter word that can rule us and caused us all to enter into holy matrimony, right? Have you ever tried to explain exactly what love is?

The dictionary definition of Love:

Noun –“an intense feeling of deep affection.”
Verb –“to feel a deep romantic or sexual attraction to (someone).”
That emotional word “feel” is emphasized in both of these definitions.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Our feelings/emotions can be dangerous if we allow them to rule in life and marriages. ” quote=”Our feelings/emotions can be dangerous if we allow them to rule in life and marriages. “]

Why should you not allow your emotions to rule your marriage?

True, a feeling of deep affection may have been led to marriage.  But, it is not the only thing that a couple needs to sustain a healthy marriage.


When I was a young newlywed I was very emotional.  My husband used to say that my emotions could range from happy to sad in a matter of seconds.  This was true and could be draining.

This is an excerpt of a post that I shared over on Finding Hope & Joy in Christ in a blog party my blogging friend Tiffany has organized on Biblical Marriage.  Read the rest of my post about Biblical marriage.

There is not only a ton of great content over there.  There are also some amazing giveaways you should definitely take the time to check out.


2 thoughts on “1 Thing to Never Allow to Rule Your Marriage”

  1. Alyssa, there is so much truth to this post. Our emotions aren’t always to be trusted. I’m heading over to read the rest! Welcome to Fresh Market Friday linkup…so glad you chose to share with this community of amazing bloggers:) Looking forward to reading more!

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