
Have you ever desired to work from home?In this step-by-step guide to starting a virtual assistant business for Christian moms, you will learn:• Why setting goals is important.• How to set a budget for your business.• Which niche is right for you.• What your value is and how to get paid what you deserve.• Inexpensive ways to market your business.• How to create systems that result in good customer service and client communication.• Time management techniques that work.• Go to resources you cannot live without.Alyssa started her VA business in 2007 and she is sharing her secrets. By the time you finish this book, you’ll have taken the first 10 steps towards starting your own virtual assistant business.What are you waiting for? Take action, today!


Is This You…

Do you believe God has placed a purpose and plan in your heart for business? Do you need help channeling your passion into profits? Are you scared to death to pursue the plans you believe God has placed in your heart for business? This book is for you if…

You’ve ever considered taking… a leap of faith?

You wish to find or follow your passion…

You wonder…

Why not just get a job? You just want to be heard. You know you have what it takes. You have considered choosing to follow your passion and purpose… even if it scares you to death…

You want to shine…You just want to share a message that you feel strongly about… deep down inside, you just want to DO IT! You want to feel connection with other moms who are like-minded…

You wonder… How will I balance everything? You are concerned about the money…

What You Will Gain by Reading This Book:

Courage to help you take your Faith LeapAn understanding of how to pinpoint your passionThe knowledge of how to build a platformKnow how to shine. Realize you have what it takesDiscover where you can find like-minded momsTips for finding balance.BUY NOW 

This 30 days of prayer journaling prompts should help give you ideas for journaling for at least 30 days. This will help you to develop the habit of journaling daily. Research shows that it takes a person 21-30 days to develop a new habit so therefore this guide should help you on your way to making journaling a part of your routine.