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Today’s guest has been Bible journaling for the longest amount of time of any of our participants. Though her methods for journaling seem simple they are a powerful but unique Bible journaling method. Let’s now hear from Bible Journaler Denise Nash:

How long have you been Bible journaling
I’ve been Bible journaling on and off for about 20 years. How did you get started in Bible journaling? I was going through some tough times and needed to remind myself of how good God was. I started with just writing verses that touched my heart onto index cards. I’d put them on the kitchen window to memorize them. They carried me through. I wanted to remember what I was learning and started writing in a notebook. The words, “Bible Journal” never came to my mind. This was when I was a younger woman. Sometimes I have done specific studies and written my answers to the questions. I have gone back to those studies at times. There are a few that I want to look at in a deeper way.
What is your favorite thing about Bible journaling?
That I can look back at what I’ve written before I can see things in a deeper way. It encourages me as I remember various periods of my life. As I write I end up thinking of things that I hadn’t originally thought of. Most of my journaling is a mess. I start with writing line by line and then I find myself thinking of other things. I end up trying to write these things in the margins near where the original comment was. I also find myself writing at the top of the page with arrows going to the comment that is related. Years later, I have read what I’ve written and then I can see more clearly how God has worked in my life. It helps me to celebrate His goodness.
What is your favorite Bible journaling tool?
My Bible. I recently bought one with larger print. I was really struggling with being able to read my Bible. I know have a pretty pink one. Sometimes, I will different colored pens to spice it up a bit. I also have a Bible for journaling. I haven’t started on that yet. I have a chronological Bible that helps me when I’m unable to put the pieces together of what the timeline is.
Do you journal in a journaling Bible, an art journal or in something else?
My husband bought me a journaling Bible. He also got a set of pens that don’t bleed through the pages with a 6-inch ruler. The dog got ahold of my ruler and chewed it up. I gave up until I could find another one, which I did recently. Most of my journaling has been in Bible study books or in a spiral notebook. I tend to want to be a perfectionist in these type of things.
Please share your favorite Bible journaling technique and add pictures from your own Bible journaling practice.
I have used the SOAP method for the last few years. And I really do like to go through Bible studies. I think the method that I made up will become my, “go to.” I’m calling it the “5w’s & How.” At this time in my life, I think that it will help me to get into the Scripture in a deeper way.
Denise’s Powerful but Unique Bible Journaling Method, the 5w’s and How method is illustrated below:

Thank you for the 5w’s and How method. Drawing and coloring isn’t my thing but this method struck a cord with me. Thank you again
Yore welcome! It just seemed like way to look at more aspects.
Yore welcome! It just seemed like way to look at more aspects.
Yore welcome! It just seemed like way to look at more aspects.
I really like the 5w’s and H! I am going to start using that. I LOVE it. I truly believe it will be a great asset to use while studying.
Thank you & You’re welcome, Wendy!