Bible Journaling on a Budget

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I would like to introduce you to Tamacca Harrison.  I found Tamacca on Instagram, which is my favorite platform for finding Bible Journalers.  Her handle on Instagram is @biblejournalingonabudget, which spoke to me immediately because I am definitely a “budget-friendly” Bible journaler.  Though she doesn’t have a blog right now she has so many wonderful ideas that she shares on Instagram and on her Youtube channel so definitely, take the time to check those out.

Bible Journaling on a budget

Bible Journaling on a Budget

How long have you been Bible journaling?

I would like to say that I’ve been journaling for awhile (writing notes and using post its and things like that), for at least 10 – 15 years in my Bibles; but once I found out that it was okay to use paint, stickers, markers and washi tape, etc. I was ecstatic! That part of my journey started in September 2017.

How did you get started in Bible journaling?

I started taking notes and writing in my Bible for as far back as I can remember; but one day I stumbled upon some YouTube videos of some brilliant ladies who was doing much, much more. They were using their creative side to journal in their Bibles. It blew my mind that they were painting, drawing and coloring in their Bibles. I had never seen anything like that before. It was scary and freeing all at the same time. Not long after that I went and purchased my first journaling Bible and the rest, as they say, is history.

What is your favorite thing about Bible journaling?

Being able to use my creativity without any hindrances or judgment is my favorite thing about Bible journaling. I can do whatever I want to express myself in my Bible to the Lord. There are days I totally mess up, but that’s okay. I give myself room to mess up and remove the burden of being perfect and/or trying to make every page a “masterpiece”. I quickly learned that we are all unique and our journaling styles will not be the same. We are all made differently and we all create differently. My joy comes from knowing that it’s MY Bible and I don’t have to worry about God giving me a failing grade for using the wrong color paint or mistakenly placing a sticker on backward.

Bible Journaling on a Budget

What is your favorite Bible journaling tool?

I absolutely adore stickers and washi tape. They are by far my favorites. Even when I’m having an uncreative day, I can still put down a couple of stickers, outline the page with a strip of washi and wahla!

Do you journal in a journaling Bible, an art journal or in something else?

Both. I have a journaling notebook and several journaling Bibles. If ever I want to do a spread and it is possibly too big for my Bible or if I just want to do something a little different, I’ll journal in my notebook. I will still write down scriptures for reference.

Bible journaling on a budget

Tamacca’s Favorite Bible Journaling Technique

Mixing paint splatter with stickers. That’s one of my go-to processes for adding color to my pages. Just take paint on your wet brush and splatter it onto your page. Dry the paint using a heat tool or let it air dry completely. Thereafter, lay down your favorite stickers or washi. Finally, add some journaling or a prayer and you’re all done!

12 thoughts on “Bible Journaling on a Budget”

  1. Wow! Thank you for taking the time to share. It is obvious that you Need to stay in The Word to keep all the parts of your life focused. Love your work! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautiful! I am just now getting where I can be brave enough to do more in my creative Bible. I do a lot of color sheets tho’. I have so much washi tape and stickers so you gave me some great ideas.

    1. Tamacca Harrison

      Hi Gee! Thank you. Absolutely….stickers are great and one of my favorites, too. You are not alone, we all have wayyyyy too much washi tape. Lol! :o)

    1. Tamacca Harrison

      Hi Denise! Washi tape is basically a crafting tape. It’s not tough like Duck Tape, but it’s more like a designer version of masking tape. If you have access to Youtube, please check out my channel. I use it in nearly every process video. Lol. If you find that you want to try it, let me know and I’ll send you some samples. :o)

  3. I made my first journal cards. I used dollar Tree and Walmart for supplies since money tight. They have stickers for a dollar and I even got some washi tape for 49c. My Grandson and I each did a card on Ps 46:10. It was great. I’m so encouraged by able to start without a lot of supplies. Thank you.

    1. Tamacca Harrison

      Hi Cynthia! Having a budget just allows us an opportunity to recycle supplies and step outside of our creative comfort zone. I love it! 🤗 Journaling cards is something I’d like to make one day as well.

  4. Thank you for sharing. Bible journaling to me is a awesome peace time and I also buy up at Dollar Tree. May God bless you and your husband. Truly a blessing to have 7 children.

    1. Tamacca Harrison

      Hi Wendy! Thank you. Having a blended family certainly comes with it’s challenges but through it all we are blessed and God is still GOOD. May God bless you and your family as well! 🤗

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