Soul Inspired Bible Journaling

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Today’s guest is a wonderful lady I met online through my business as a virtual assistant when we worked together on a mutual client’s book launch.  She is such a creative person and has many great ideas.  You will learn so much from Jana, the soul inspired Bible journaler.

How did you get started Bible Journaling?

My first journaling pages were just lettering the scriptures and including small illustrations. They were all black and white. Then I began adding color with colored pencils because they have been a long time favorite art medium. I really jumped in, though, last year after attending a Bible Journaling Retreat. The Retreat was wonderful and connected me with so many wonderful ladies!

[1 Thessalonians 5:11 –   Philippians 4: 17 ] 

soul inspired bible journaling   soul inspired Bible journaling

[  John 3:30  –   Ephesians 6:11 ]

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What is your favorite thing about Bible Journaling?

Definitely, it is spending time in the scriptures. I love being able to combine my love of creativity and my love of God’s Word. It’s a natural fit for me.

[ James 4:14  – 1 Peter 3:3-4 ]

soul inspired BIble journaling soul inspired bible journaling

What is your favorite Bible Journaling tool?

All time fav is still my pencil and black marker (Micron, Micron, or Sharpie Pen ). But I love painting with a water brush and gelatos or watercolors. Drawing, lettering, and painting are my favorite techniques.

soul inspired bible journaling

Do you journal in a Bible, blank journal or something else?

I use a King James Version note-taking Bible by Barbour. It pre-dates the “journaling” Bibles and has much thicker and larger pages. I also have an ESV Single Column Journaling Bible that I am starting to fill in. However, I love the note taking Bible so much that I purchased two more!

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Letting Your Soul be Inspired

For me, Bible Art Journaling is a form of worship and I believe my inspiration comes from God. God convicted me several years ago that He had given me a gift and not only was I not using it for the Kingdom, I wasn’t even using it for my pleasure. That may lead you to ask whether God gives us spiritual gifts for our pleasure or His? Well, I believe both. I believe they are meant to be used to glorify God, and in this process, to bring happiness to us as well. So, I use Bible Journaling and create Scripture Art – yes because it makes me happy – but also to bring God glory and encourage others to spend time in God’s Word. I also share devotions and Bible Studies with Journaling printables and kits.

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Creating a Legacy

On a bookshelf in my study are several Bibles which previously belonged to other family members. My husband and I both love flipping through the pages of these Bibles and revisiting the handwritten notes of our parents who are no longer with us. This is another reason I journal in my Bible. One day, I pray that the Word of God and the words of this Nana will also bless the next generation.

The pages I’m sharing with you today represent different techniques but all focus on my family members. I have selected a scripture to pray over and dedicate to each of my family members. We have a big family so I’m not finished with everyone’s, but these represent a few and each capture the person’s heart, personality or spiritual gifting.

soul inspired Bible journaling soul inspired Bible journaling soul inspired Bible journaling soul inspired Bible journaling

Sample Products – Templates, Printables, and Kits

If you have been blessed by the Journaling pages I shared with you today, I would love to invite you to follow me on Instagram at sweettothesoulshoppe. And if you would like to add some Soul Inspired art to your journal or Bible, please visit my shoppe at

Soul inspired BIble journaling


4 thoughts on “Soul Inspired Bible Journaling”

  1. I love the idea of the prayers for each individual of your family. I want that same connection with God as well as my family [to know them intimately] so that I will know what type of prayer to pray. Will you please let me know when the next journaling retreat will take place? I would love to be there.

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