The Glorification of Busy Equals Stress

In today’s episode of the Overcoming Anxiety Through Faith podcast we talk about the anxiety and stress that we often bring upon ourselves due to being too busy. In our world the glorification of busy equals stress.

The Glorification of Busy Equals Stress

Does God intend for us to be doing or being?

How many times have you asked someone, “How are you doing?” to which they replied, “I’m busy.”  

In today’s society, people seem to almost make being busy a competition and as I said before, busy equals stress. 

Remember stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.”

How many of us cause our own mental or emotional strain or tension by putting too much on our plates?

I know that I am definitely guilty. Remember I told you a story about my own life just recently where God had to force me to “be still.”  

Satan delights in watching us run in circles and trying to beat the clock.  Satan knows that if he can distract us we will not be of much use to the Kingdom of God.  

But God calls us to “be still.”  Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Most likely if we are honest our souls long for more stress-less, slow-paced days rather than days that are so busy we don’t know whether we are coming or going.

Let’s review a familiar passage of Scripture where God gives us a wonderful example of what we should do. 

This story is found in Luke 10:38 – 42

Martha was what we might describe as a homemaker, she was a doer, she was absorbed with many things. (Chuck Smith: Sermon Notes for Luke 10:38)

Mary, in contrast, could be called a people person. She was absorbed with people.

True to their personalities Mary and Martha did different things when Jesus came to visit.  Martha was busy preparing the special food.  

The doing is necessary and it has to be done, but it should never be a substitute for worship.  Martha was so busy serving Jesus that she did not take time for Jesus. (Chuck Smith)

In the King James version, this text says, Martha was cumbered about it.  In the original Greek, the word cumbered was periespato, which means distracted.  

Matthew Henry’s commentary says, “Whatever cares the providence of God casts upon us we must not be cumbered with them.  Care is good and a duty, but cumber is sin and folly. “ 

Mary, on the other hand, sat at Jesus’ feet and heard his word.  

Martha didn’t understand and even asked Jesus “Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone.”  Jesus, however, defended Mary saying, “Martha, Martha you are troubled and filled with care about many things.”  

Martha was neglecting the main thing and that was Jesus.

Jesus said that Mary had chosen the good part.  

Matthew Henry put it this way, “The many things she was troubled about were needless, while the one thing she neglected was needful. Martha’s care and work were good in their proper season and place; but now she had something else to do, which was unspeakably more needful, and therefore should be done first, and most minded. She expected Christ to have blamed Mary for not doing as she did, but he blamed her for not doing as Mary did, and we are sure the judgment of Christ is according to the truth. The day will come when Martha will wish she had set where Mary did.”

Many times we are guilty of doing rather than being.  There is a time and place for both, but we must remember what is most important.  

Ways to Be Sure You Aren’t Too Busy

  1. Check your priorities
  2. Schedule time for quiet time
  3. Ask for help.
  4. Be still.

The truth is there is a better way to live life than being stressed out all the time.  Don’t let the glorification of busy equal stress in your life and make you overwhelmed.


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