The Spiritual Side of Decision Making

I have had some big decisions to make recently.  In all decisions that I make I try to be certain that I look to God’s Word for answers.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  

At the root of every decision, you make remembering God’s will and purpose in your life will make the right decision that much clearer. If your steps are guided by God then everything you do will prosper, it’s when you choose to not allow him in the decision-making process in your life issues arise.

After having shared that, we must first understand what a decision is. A decision is a choice between two or more options. If you only have one alternative, you do not have a decision. Webster’s 9th Dictionary adds some richness to the idea of choice by introducing the idea of uncertainty. It has this to say about the word “decide”, the root of “decision”.


“To decide is to arrive at a solution that ends uncertainty or dispute.”

In his classic work, “Think & Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill stated that 98% of people are in the jobs they have through indecision, i.e. because they never made the decision about what they wanted to do in their lives in the first place. Indecision explains why many people feel that they have a life purpose but have no idea what it is.

A decision is the key to transformation. It is one of the key character traits distinguishing high performers from the vast ranks of the mediocre. A decision is, by definition, behind every truly great achievement anyone ever makes. Here is an interesting truth: Most successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. They persist with the decisions they have made. However, those who are choosing a mediocre existence are very slow to make any decision at all (most never make any), and they change the ones they have made very rapidly indeed. Which description applies to you?

One of the most memorable quotes I have ever heard was “Your indecision is a decision.” When you allow your life to play out without making any decisions you are taking a passive approach at life. I know that I can say I once made my decisions very slowly, if ever. Yes, I have been there too. What you thought that it was all easy for me. Guess again! However, once I decided to be consistent in achieving my success, I know that decision making had to become a key component in my life.

So how do you arrive at making high-quality valuable decisions? Furthermore, how do you make decisions that are based on Biblical Principles?

I shared this post at Salt & Light Linkup.

14 thoughts on “The Spiritual Side of Decision Making”

  1. Love that quote about indecision. I am really a gut feeling kind of a girl. I go through this process of considering all my options, slowly deleting the least effective options before landing on the one that sits best in my gut. That said, my “gut” is technically filled with the Holy Spirit so I’m pretty sure He’s the source of my wisdom in decision making and I am so grateful.

    1. I am a gut feeling kinda gal too. My parents taught me it was a good indicator of right and wrong. Thanks for coming to my blog. I”m just getting back into blogging and looking for other Christian bloggers to network with and learn from.

  2. I like that quote that indecision is a decision. When I make a decision it’s important for me to pray about it and not let fear hold me back from going forward.

    1. Thanks Valerie and thank you for visiting my blog. I’m just now getting back into blogging and looking to connect with other Christian bloggers.

  3. Great post! I think prayer and trusting in what God is leading us to lean towards is how I make decisions. The quote about indecision is a decision is great!
    Visiting from #DancewithJesus

    1. Hi Julie

      Thanks I really enjoyed reading your anxiety series on your blog. I too struggle with anxiety and plan to write more about it here soon!


  4. Hey Alyssa! Love this post…I had a grad school professor once say that “Conflict is a decision NOT to make a decision”…either way you’re deciding! I think decision-making when consulting the Holy Spirit is really all about trust and relationship. When we are in close relationship and communication with God, He guides us along the path of what decision we need to make.

  5. I am one who tends to be indecisive. However, I’ve learned that the closer my relationship grows with the Lord I am more reliant on what His Spirit puts on my heart. I find that as I pray He starts exposing reasons as to why I shouldn’t make certain choices. Haste is what creates bad choices in my opinion. Thank you so much for sharing at Salt & Light Linkup! I’ve selected you for this week’s feature!

  6. Pingback: How to Make Spiritually Mature Decisions (Salt & Light #8) - Milk and Honey Faith

  7. Indecision IS a decision. I am extremely indecisive, but I know when it comes down to the important things, God will help me make decisions that matter. Congratulations on being featured this week, Alyssa!!

  8. When decisions come I pray through them, look for scripture about them and see where they line up with my priorities. Saying Yes means a No to something else later so I want to be sure.
    This was beautifully written!

  9. Great post, Alyssa! I’ve read that verse in the bible plenty times before and I always lean on God’s word when I make a decision. Sometimes, the decisions I make don’t make sense but in the end, God reveals it all. Thanks for sharing!

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