Why Write the Word?

Last summer, I started a new routine with my kids in an effort to prepare them for the routine of homeschooling in the fall.  One piece of that routine was writing a Bible verse every day.  The kids really enjoyed it and it also accomplished the purpose of getting  God’s Word into their hearts and minds.

The idea of writing the Word seems to be a popular Bible study technique that I have seen more and more evidence of online as of late.  There are even journals available specifically for the purpose of writing the Word.

I have been a journal writer for many years.  Specifically, I have written what I consider to be a prayer journal.  In these journals, I have always spent some of that time writing God’s Word whether it be just a few verses or an entire passage.

This practice has taught me just how powerful writing the word of God can be, but you might not understand why I would encourage you to write out the Word of God.

Why Write the Word?

The answer is simple and though it is simple that doesn’t make it any less true.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Writing the Word helps to imprint the words of God into your heart, your mind, and your life.” quote=”Writing the Word helps to imprint the words of God into your heart, your mind, and your life.”]

In addition, writing the Word, helps you to spend time in God’s Word.  Many times we don’t know what to read or what to do when it comes to studying God’s Word.  Writing the Word gives us a very specific task and helps us to stay on track.

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – MEDITATE ON THESE THINGS. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the GOD OF PEACE will be with you.”

Philippians 4:8-9

This verse of Scripture so appropriately emphasizes the importance of spending time in God’s Word, meditating on it and writing it will certainly help you to do so.

Many times I have read devotions that encourage you to speak the Word of God over your life.  What better way to learn God’s Word and have it in your arsenal and memory bank to bring forth to mind at a later date when you need it most.

After all, God’s Word is Powerful!

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

In addition to writing the word in simple form, I have also come to love a similar practice of journaling, specifically Bible Journaling which is an even more creative way of “writing the Word”.

If you are interested in Bible Journaling classes with an emphasis on Overcoming Anxiety and Fear through Faith sign up here: https://friendswithjesus.org.

There are both local classes available in my area (Carrollton, MS ) beginning August 22 and online classes will be beginning September 14, 2017.

LinkUps This Post is Linked To:  #RaRaLinkup , #TestimonyTuesday, #CoffeeForYourHeart, #SaltandLight, #HeartEncouragment, #livefree, #DancewithJesus, #GraceandTruth, & #ChasingCommunity


19 thoughts on “Why Write the Word?”

  1. I will typically never remember anything unless I have a note to remind me. However, once I gphave written the note, I find that I have no trouble at all remembering whatever I need to keep up with because I took time to write it down. This is so true in our spiritual lives too. Thank you for such a simple but life changing reminder!!!

  2. Alyssa, that journaling looks beautiful. I’m one of those who learns and memorizes better through the act of writing. What a sweet thing to do with your kids. 🙂 Hope this upcoming school year is great for y’all. ((graces))

  3. I never really thought of it that way, I think it is Awesome that you have your kids write out God’s Word. I will bet they thank you for it when they grow up. I am very bad at memorizing and will have to write it over and over, many composition books filled with scriptures. I have also changed the way I read the Bible, rather than reading it through in a year, I have a journal and I write a summary of (usually) each chapter, this way I can ensure I am absorbing the information better. I love to write out God’s Word, it is so powerful, and beautiful. It is everything we need it to be. I haven’t tried Bible journaling with the art, I am not very artistic, and I am so scared of ruining a Bible. Although, I love the idea.

  4. I discovered my mom’s prayer journals when sorting out her things following her death. In it, she had written out mainly scriptures. I didn’t understand at first the power of doing this. But, as you say Alyssa, it is powerful.

    1. Amen Rachel. I hope my kids will cherish mine one day. I started prayer journaling when I was 14 so I have A TON of journals.

  5. I have at least four unfinished journals. I tried for years to “stick with the program,” but for some reason it never clicked. Enter blogging. For some reason, transforming biblical truths into stories for the benefit of others brought writing to life. You’re right, faith is much richer when we continually transfer God’s teachings into writing. It’s amazing! Great post, Alyssa, and I’m happy we’re neighbors today at rara.

  6. Great post! I love writing God’s Word in my prayer journal as I write down my prayers to the Lord. As we write the scripture, the Holy Spirit is writing them on our hearts! Thanks for sharing, and how wonderful that you offer a Bible Journaling class! Blessings to you as you continue to share your passion for the Word of God!

  7. The more we can engage our different senses around the word of God the better. We can write, sing, memorize, read, etc. The more we saturate our minds, the more it can transform our lives!

  8. My kids enjoyed ‘writing through Proverbs’ – my youngest would draw a picture after I wrote the verse for her. Writing God’s word and all ways possible is a good practice. Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.

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