Bible Journaling–The Art of Lettering

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Today’s guest is a girl after my own heart, a Christian author, speaker and of course, Bible journaler, Taylor Phillips.  Taylor is going to introduce you to the simple but beautiful concept, the art of lettering.

Hey all! So glad that you have decided to join me in this fun endeavor of learning more about Bible journaling. I’ve always looked at it with curiosity and some trepidation—the greatest trepidation was overcoming coloring in a Bible. I mean, I wrote and highlighted in my Bible, but coloring?! It was an unspoken cardinal sin to color in your Bible.

A few months ago, my church began a Bible journaling class so I decided to take the dive, and I haven’t looked back yet. My favorite thing about Bible journaling is the meditation and the peace it provides. When I journal, it’s when my heart is in a type of turmoil and I journal what the Lord is speaking to me in that. I may even search Scripture to find one that goes with the situation I’m in, I then meditate on it. It’s been challenging to find ways that it applies to a situation I’m going through, or one I have been through, and create a picture of how God has come through.

Bible Journaling: The Art of Lettering

I’ve learned quickly that my favorite tool is the pencil and Sharpie. Drawing isn’t a forte, but the different aspects of lettering have been fun. I always thought that lettering had to be perfect but have since found out the messier the better. You don’t have to have straight edges, perfect curves, or the proper dotting. You can add floral, dots, shadowing, triangles, whatever is going through your mind.

I didn’t start out immediately journaling in a Bible, but I started out in an art journal. I wanted to see if this would be something that I would continue with, instead of purchasing a journaling Bible and not journaling in it. Just a few weeks ago, I stepped out and purchased a bible with margins and began journaling in it. Journaling in the Bible, I’ve found that lettering has taken a front seat, and the pictures have taken a back seat.

What I’d like to share with you today is some of the techniques I’ve applied to my lettering in bible journaling. I begin my journaling with a pencil so that if I make any mistakes, I can erase them. With the Sharpie (make sure you have one that doesn’t bleed), I add thickness to certain sides of the letters. You can see my example below. When you start with that, you become comfortable with the lettering and then are able to branch out to try different aspects of shadowing.

Bible Journal Lettering


Bible journal lettering

Below I have included a picture of my absolute staple Bible journaling items: washi tape, Faber Castell artist pen, a white eraser and a pencil. I have found that the white eraser is much easier on bible pages. After I use my pencil, I will trace the words with my artist pen and then erase the pencil marks. My final result is also included below. Happy journaling!

I am thankful for Taylor teaching me something I didn’t know and being able to improve my lettering.  There really is an “art” to it huh?  I love the results that she is able to achieve in such a simple way and will definitely be attempting to do the same in my own Bible journaling here soon.

What about you? Did you learn something new about the art of lettering?

Bible journaling lettering

Bible Journaling lettering



24 thoughts on “Bible Journaling–The Art of Lettering”

  1. Love that you syarted with simplicity. I just retired after being a high school librarian for 31 years. I kept an art journal devoted to Bible study. I decided to take it to school to share with my students who were interested in art. Imagine my surprise when their favorite page turned out to be the one where I made a mess trying to correct something that just kept getting worse the more I tried to fix it! So I finally quit apologizing for the mess and accepted the compliments on my “ruined” page.😂

    1. Taylor Phillips

      Isn’t it funny how it works out? Here we are trying to create perfection when we’re accepted for our mess!

    1. I’m not Taylor, but I use washi tape to embellish and you can also use it on the outside of the pages like to add to the page ends. If that makes sense. You might need a picture to do that justice.

    2. Taylor Phillips

      Hey suzie!

      Like Alyssa said, I usually use washi tape to embellish a page. Sometimes I will do an outline on the Bible page, or in the margins, or even to hold a piece of paper in the Bible!

  2. LOVE this style. I’m not an artist by any means, so I find that lettering really speaks to me and this was a GREAT post for that. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Taylor Phillips

      You and me both, sister! Pinterest has been my best friend in finding extra tools in shadowing and dotting. There are also printables and letter books you can purchase as well.

  3. I have a Bible to write in and just haven’t taken off with it yet. The way you formed the letters, makes me feel free. If I make a mistake, I can just add a bit more or some color. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Taylor Phillips

      Hey Denise!

      All about freedom over here! My favorite part about the shading is exactly like you said: you make a “mistake” and then just shadow it like you meant to do it!

  4. You make it look so simple. I think I will do as you did and start first in a journal until I get comfortable with it

  5. I am very much a lettering person. I do understand how you feel about OH NO I can’t color in the Bible. My two best friends just bought journaling Bibles, and now I see all the possibilities. I thank you so much for sharing. I truly am falling in love with journaling.

  6. Pingback: Bible Journaling Guest Post – Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story!

  7. I love to color and now just starting to be more brave in working more in my Bible. I love the lettering you just taught.

  8. I can’t believe I never thought to start with pencil, finish with ink, then erase the pencil. Thanks for that tip! Hopefully this will help me be a little happier with my lettering. I’ve already accepted that God sees the intention of my heart and not the product of my hands when it comes to my artwork, but…

  9. I have not used a Bible yet. I have written in journals all my life. Scrapbooking was also a passion. So is Photography. Now I have sort of combined all of them. I have my journal, currently a coloring journal i found on DaySpring. I LOVE it!! I write out prayers, scripture, my notes from sermons, quotes that speak to my heart, really whatever God is saying to me in my journal. I use different color pens to write all this out. I use all types of pencils and markers and gel pens to highlight and decorate my journal and just enjoy what God is teaching me. I also add stickers as well as quotes typed on my computer, printed (in pretty colored ink) and use the washi tape to attach it in my journal. It is all in date order, just as the Lord speaks, I add it. I love learning all these new skills like lettering to add more interest to my books. I love looking back and reading all God was speaking to me on this day or that. Thanks for all your encouragement.

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