My Favorite and Complete Prayer Journaling Process Now

Journaling – “The recording of your thoughts today, for the recollection of your past tomorrow.”

Did you know that developing a habit can take 21-30 days? So why is it so hard to develop a habit, but we have some habits we do not even know how we formed such as nail biting or teeth grinding? Strange huh?

One habit that I have developed over the years is the habit of journaling. Journaling is a pastime of mine that I truly enjoy and have formed a habit of doing. I have a huge stack of journals from my past that holds memories that otherwise I may have forgotten. Sure, I do not spend a lot of time going through the journals but I do from time to time look back especially on the previous year’s journal to see where I have come from, goals I have accomplished, prayers that have been answered. Prayer journaling is a process that I enjoy.

prayer journaling process

More about my Process of Prayer Journaling

Journaling is something that you can do no matter what your mood. I find myself not only journaling when I am happy but also when I am upset about something. I can literally fill pages and pages when my stress levels rise. Oh, what a release it can be!

Looking back over the years though, I realize that I have used my journal more when I needed that release. Stressful times in my life I filled journals much faster. To date, my most stressful time was when I was in the midst of a bad situation at my job. I literally filled a journal full in 3 months, but what wonderful self-therapy it was.

I realize reading the entries later that if it were not for that time I took to sit down and release my thoughts I probably would have kept them all bottled up inside. Something many people do, but it is definitely not a healthy way to deal with your thoughts and feelings.

I never realized when I began journaling in my teenage years how therapeutic it would be for me in my adult years. I am thankful I began the habit early on in life because it has served me much good so far. As I grow older, I know I will only appreciate the process more and I plan to pass the tradition down to my children.

There are some habits that are hard to develop, others that are hard to break, but this one is definitely one I’m glad I took the time to begin. I have often said that it is a form of therapy. I can definitely tell when I skip it during the day. My days are not as good as when I take the time to get my thoughts out on paper and out of my mind.

What about you? Have you made journaling and / or prayer journaling a practice in your life?  If not, what would it take for you to begin?

Today’s Prayer Journaling Prompt: Write about your values and beliefs. What do you treasure and hold dear? What are the most important values that you hold?

You might want to purchase the 30 Days of Prayer Journaling Prompts Journal to aid you in being successful in starting the process of journaling.  You can purchase it in downloadable PDF or Paperback.


3 thoughts on “My Favorite and Complete Prayer Journaling Process Now”

  1. Great prompts for journalling in general, but I was hoping for more guidance/inspiration in the prayer part of prayer journalling (as opposed to more of a diary-type writing-about-myself journal. Do I just need to be patient?

    1. Lots of people are asking that. My prompts are more journaling prompts, but I guess I need to maybe rethink that??

  2. Pingback: What My Quiet Time Looks Like Each Day Now and In the Past - Alyssa Avant, Christian Author, Speaker and Bible Teacher

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