Bible Journaling For Family Discipleship

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Today’s guest Bible journaler is Lisa Yvonne.  Lisa and I have been connected for quite a while as bloggers through the Elite Blog Academy.  Lisa has a heart to serve and she has a love for her family.  It was no surprise that she has incorporated Bible journaling into her family time.  She shares how she does so below:

Bible journaling is awesome, isn’t it? I only discovered in the last year and I honestly knew it wasn’t for me when I first heard about it. After all, Bible journaling is only for incredible artists who buy all these special Bibles and paints, right?

Boy, was I wrong! Bible journaling has turned into one of my very favorite things ever.

And I’m still not an artist. I actually doodled a dog the other day and my son asked me if it was a turtle.

But I am a mom who has a passion for family discipleship and loves to spend time with her kids and Bible journaling has turned into one way we do that in our home.

Bible Journaling for Family Discipleship


Why I Love Bible Journaling

I got started Bible journaling because I was trying to have quiet time (which, as a mom of 8 kids, means getting very creative!).  You can read more about the 8 ways I find quiet time at my blog, Graceful Abandon.

Now I keep Bible journaling because it’s one way I spend time with my kids that creates a meaningful connection. My kids are “quality time” little people, and this allows us to spend that time that makes them feel so loved and helps me nurture their seedling faith.

All children want their parents to play with them and show them they are valuable, and our little Bible journaling dates is one way I do this with my artistically minded little ones.

I love Bible journaling because it helps us bond over the Word of God, and while we color we talk about what’s in their hearts. Unless I had journaled with my seven-year-old, I’d never have known he wanted to be an artist who painted things to show people Jesus loves them and that he had a whole plan for it.

That only came out because of this time we spent together. And then, we got to pray about it while we talked. Both of us being busy coloring seems to make conversation flow so freely!

How We Bible Journal

We Bible Journal by writing our verses either on a loose sheet of paper or in one of those marble notebooks you can get 2/$1 during back to school sales (it depends on if it’s a verse we are memorizing that we want to hang on the fridge or not).

I don’t have any fancy tools or techniques to share, but the most important thing I need when Bible journaling is prayer. I love to pray for my kids, but I try to pray intentionally at the start of our time together that God would guide our discussion about His Word and teach us what He wants us to learn in our time together.


21 thoughts on “Bible Journaling For Family Discipleship”

  1. Samantha Raasch

    I had not even thought about having my son do this with me! I am totally loving this idea!! He loves to draw and this would be a great time for us to bond and grow with GOD! thank you!

    1. Samantha, I hope you enjoy it. I have 8 kiddos, and one in particular loves this and it’s been such a TREMENDOUS gift for us together, as well as for his faith.

  2. I thank you for sharing how you use your Bible journaling with your children. My grand-daughter is only 2, but Ioves to color. Going to start printing out Bible color sheets to color and share with her. Thanks so much.

    1. That’s a great idea; I’ve never thought to print some out, but maybe I’ll do that! Enjoy your time together 🙂

  3. I wish I had thought to do this with my kids. They did go to the local Christian School. A local believer came in to do art with them. (I’m not artistic) I recently looked back at what they did there and saw how much she gave them.

  4. I could not survive without my gel pens and Creative Bible or coloring books. I need to color daily or my day does not feel right.

  5. I’m just a newbie here, and i LOVED this post. I enjoy journaling, but never thought to do with my children before!!!! You’re an awesome mum and inspiration, thank you!!!

  6. I love this idea! Coloring is one of my 2-year-old granddaughter’s favorite things to do and she always hands us a color pencil to join her. I’ll be printing out some pages for her next visit.

  7. My 6 year old grandson doesn’t like coloring but this would be a great way to spend time together and learn more about God. Thank you for example. I can show him to help get started. I’m going to get some Gelatos. Hopeful this will encourage him.

  8. We did journaling cards yesterday. My grandson did his card and i did mine from Ps 46:10. It was fun and he was delighted. Thank you again. I was trying to do my quiet time and he was to busy. I just included him. What a joy!!!!

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