Seasons of Blessings

One of my favorite quotes is “Everything happens for a reason.”  This is something we must remember in life in good times and in bad.  Much like the wedding vows many of us took on our wedding day, there will be times of sickness and times of health; times of joy and times of sorrow; times we may be rich and times when we may be poor.

However, God’s Word explains in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is indeed a time for everything.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,  a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.”

In these Scriptures, we see times that occur in our lives.  Most of us have experienced the miracle of birth, whether it be in the birth of your own child, or the birth of a niece, nephew or even a friend’s child.

Most of us have also experienced the pain of death.  Some of those deaths are more painful than others.

These Scriptures outline for us that in life there will be times of joy and there will be times of sorrow.  There will be times of growth and there will be times of pruning.  There will be times of victory and there will be times of defeat.

The good news is no experience is wasted.  God can teach you something through every experience in life, every circumstance, every season.

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When we think about the seasons, most likely spring, summer, winter, and fall are what come to mind immediately.  I’m sure we all have our favorite season.

There are also many, many other seasons of life.  God uses each season to

  • Teach us something.
  • Communicate to us something about himself.

Whether this is something about his faithfulness, his love in sending his Son, his strength or his power. In my next blog post,  we will consider the seasons of life.

LinkUps This Post is Linked To:  #MomentsofHope, #RaRaLinkup , #CoffeeForYourHeart, #SaltandLight, #HeartEncouragment, #livefree, #DancewithJesus, #GraceandTruth, & #ChasingCommunity


26 thoughts on “Seasons of Blessings”

  1. “The good news is no experience is wasted. God can teach you something through every experience in life, every circumstance, every season.” >>> The season changing to fall always brings about much reflection within myself! This part of your post, has been my mantra this fall. God is so, so good! He makes all things good.

  2. The seasons of the year are always a good reminder to me of new growth, flourishing, harvest, and death. We see this pattern in so many ways throughout our life. Relationships, jobs, ministries, etc. The death doesn’t have to be sad or bad as it is necessary for growth in the future.

  3. No experience is wasted. God will always turn our sorrow to joy in His due time, even if we feel like it’s lasing forever and we can’t bear it a moment longer. God gives strength.

  4. Even though the hard seasons aren’t my favorite, it’s comforting to know God uses it all to grow me and teach me things I couldn’t learn any other way!

  5. You are absolutely right – He uses everything for His glory when we recognize His sovereignty in our lives – no matter our circumstance or feelings.

  6. I loved this truth, “The good news is no experience is wasted. God can teach you something through every experience in life, every circumstance, every season.” Even in the hard times, God is still teaching. He’s not waiting for me to get to a better season, He’s working on teaching me right where I’m at. Thank you for this reminder! Stopping by from the Sitting Among Friends Blog Party

  7. God uses everything…that is reassuring in times when we just don’t understand. I find comfort in that. A time for everything…good to remember in hard times because it will end and good time are coming. Thank you!!

  8. Pingback: Seasons of Life - Alyssa Avant, Christian Author, Speaker and Bible Teacher

  9. I am blessed to be your neighbor over at #sittingamongfriends today! Yes, God has been speaking to me about the changing seasons so much these past few years. Change isn’t easy, but I am so thankful that HE does bring good through each change, when we focus on Him! Blessings to you!

  10. “No experience is wasted” I love that statement. It is full of hope and encouragement. Hope that no matter what we go through, God can use it for our good. It is always reassuring that there is purpose even in our trials.

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