Bible Journaling with Journaling Cards square

Bible Journaling with Journaling Cards

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I approached Sara over at The Holy about participating in this Bible journaling blog party and to my surprise, she has a Bible journaling virtual assistant.  How cool is that as I am a VA myself and find that to be so much fun!  So, we are hearing from Jade today, the Bible journaling virtual assistant.

Bible Journaling with Journaling Cards

How long have you been Bible journaling?

I grew up in a pre-printed missile kind of church so I was in high school when I got my very first real Bible. I proceeded to fill every empty space with pictures and printouts of favorite quotes and verses and color all my favorite verses with a bright color pencil. I guess that means I have been Bible journaling for over 20 years.

Bible Journaling Using Journaling Cards: Jade's First Bible
My first Bible.

How did you get started in Bible journaling?

It wasn’t until about a year ago that I realized that Bible journaling was actually a real thing and that coloring in my Bible could be okay. I was in a bit of a Bible reading slump and I thought perhaps a new Bible would perk me up. I was friends with Sara from and she posted an article about Bible journaling. The search for a new Bible and the article clicked together and there has been no stopping me since.

What is your favorite thing about Bible journaling?

All of my life I have been the new kid. Now that I’m all grown up you would think it would get easier, but being the new lady at church can be just as stressful as being the new girl at school. Then I stumbled on the Holy Mess Bible journaling Facebook group and I found a group of friends that also loved Bible journaling. We love to share pages, but we also live to support each other.

What is your favorite Bible journaling tool?

Just one? I love trying new materials and techniques, but my color pencils are still my go to. Also, I’m not a big fan of my lettering so alphabet stickers and stamps are a daily grab.

Do you journal in a journaling Bible, an art journal or in something else?

I journal directly in my Bible. I’m not afraid to paint across the whole page either. I didn’t start out that way, but now I just can’t help myself. I like to think of my Bible page as a worship canvas.

Please share your favorite Bible journaling technique and add pictures from your own Bible journaling practice.

Bible Journaling Cards

One of my favorite Bible journaling techniques is incorporating journaling cards. My journaling cards are small pieces of paper with art on one side and hand-written journaling on the flip side. I put them in like a small tip-in using washi tape or clear scotch tape so I can flip to see both sides.

Great for beginners

If you are just starting out and not sure where to go journaling cards are a great option. They allow you to add a special touch without feeling overwhelmed by the whole page or worrying about covering up words.

Add art

Journaling cards are a great way to try something new without committing to having it permanently on your page. Journaling cards allow me to add art without committing to a full page project.

Bible Journaling Using Journaling Cards: Art
Make your worship canvas bigger!

Add space

They can also be a great way to add space to an already full page.

Bible Journaling Using Journaling Cards: Space
Journal verses even when your pages are full!

Add Privacy

I am a private person by nature, and Bible journaling is both personal and public all at the same time. Sometimes I like to keep my journaling private, but I still want to be able to share my pages. That is why so many of my pages include little journal cards and tip-ins.

Bible Journaling Using Journaling Cards: Privacy
Shh. The present is a secret journaling card just for God and I.

Be sure to check out all our latest over at The Holy Mess Bible Journaling Facebook Group.  We can’t wait to get to know you better.

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22 thoughts on “Bible Journaling with Journaling Cards”

  1. I am still very new at Bible Journaling even though I have had my Creative Bible nearly close to 2 years. I am starting to do more and these journaling cards sound exciting to try.

    1. Gee, I hope they are just the idea you need to get going. As a beginner journaling cards gave me an increased feeling of security when I was afraid to just try it.

    1. Thank you Wendy for your kind words. That comic strip has been tucked in my Bible for over 20 years. It feels so good for it to have a permanent home.

  2. I like the card ideas, actually i have.started to doodle on cards with a special verse, for the purpose of passing them onto people, or even leaving on park benches, or places where someone may just pick it up and read, and know God is watching them, maybe an encouraging verse for example, and pray that some discouraged soul would pick up.

  3. Jade, I LOVE your idea for journaling cards…can I say again? LOVE IT!!!! I also noticed tabs, but couldn’t see if they were tabs for books in the Bible or life lessons that spoke meaning into your daily walk with Jesus.
    Thank you for sharing…..can’t wait to get started!

  4. I’ve never thought of journaling on cards. I’m really excited to try this method!! And I love Caroline’s idea of a Bible verse on one side and art on the other side.

    1. I’m excited to see what you create Denise. I actually started using journaling cards because I don’t like my handwriting very much. It created a way to journal and still have something pretty at the same time.

  5. Love this idea. I’m still stuck in my old-school ways and just can’t bring myself to make any of the words in my bible unreadable, so this is perfect! Thank you!

  6. My Grandson (six years old) and I made our first journaling cards yesterday. Money is tight so dollar tree and Walmart great source. Found some washi tape for 49c. Turned out better than i thought. While doing this a friend was texting me about a care package she plans on sending to a Military friend. I was prompted by the Lord to ask could in include cards. She responded by that would be great. I didn’t even know about this 4 days ago. Praise and that You, LORD.

    1. What a wonderful praise story Cynthia! Thank you for sharing with us. I come from a military family and have packed many of those boxes. I will be praying that the final destination feels as much blessing receiving them as you and your grandson felt making them.

  7. Pingback: Bible Journaling with Bible Journaling Cards

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