Best Resources for Anxiety

As you may have read before here on my blog I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life.  In one post I share my story of how anxiety and stress landed me in the hospital.  Because of my long-time struggle, I have tried a variety of resources to help me overcome my anxiety and as a result, have determined some of the best resources for anxiety.

Many of these resources have helped me including prayer journaling, Bible journaling, relaxation exercises and there have also been books about anxiety that have helped me on my journey over the years.  I thought today I would share with you a few of the best resources for anxiety that will help you to overcome or at least calm your anxiety. These are some of the resources that I have used over the years that I have dealt with anxiety. These are my tried and trusted resources.  I try not to recommend anything that I have not personally read myself.


Best Resources for ANxiety

The Best Resources for Anxiety

Calm my Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow – This is one of my all-time favorites.  Calm my Anxious Heart is a 12-session Bible study that offers practical ways to apply the study to your daily life.  I really appreciate her use of God’s Word throughout this book.  It delves into the many Scriptures that the Bible has about contentment.

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer I have read this book more times than I can count.  With real stories from her life, Joyce shares her wisdom from the heart.  This was the first book that helped me to understand how to apply Scripture to help me to take control of my thoughts.

Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer – Another one from Joyce, this book gives you specific phrases that are Scriptural to use in order to help you to overcome those negative and nagging thoughts that we all seem to have.  This book and the former that I mentioned helped me to realize just how much my thought life was a war in my own mind.

Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf – Though this one was much deeper and a bit over my head with its terminology it did help me to understand from a scientific standpoint why I do some of the things that I do as a result of my anxiety.  I now understand though this may be the way that I am wired.  I can retrain that wiring, which is awesome to know right?  An added bonus is that Dr. Leaf is a Christian.

This book also gave statistics such as, “a whopping 75-98 percent–of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones!” (Amazon)

Our brains are powerful and so are our thoughts.  This book will leave you well aware of this fact.

Get your free Friends with Jesus Bible Journaling Lesson which is the first lesson in a series of lessons on Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Fear with Faith. Be sure to check out the series.



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